
Builders of the Pacific Coast

Guide to west coast DIY shelters

I’ve lived on the California coast all my life, so I’m no stranger to homegrown architecture. I’ve driven by geodesic domes tucked into canyons and hiked passed shack-like mini-mansions perched on solitary hilltops. These encounters have always been brief and, most notably, from afar. As he did with the previously-reviewed Home Work, Lloyd Kahn takes us inside the structures many of us wouldn’t and couldn’t even stumble upon. From Northern California all the way up to British Columbia, he brings us the coastal creations of more than a dozen builders. Driftwood saunas and stairwells, wave-like green roofs, bright wide-eyed yurts, hand-carved pillars and more. A wonderful collection of imagination and possibility.

-- Steven Leckart 12/3/08



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