General Purpose Tools

Cool Tools Reader Survey


We want to know more about you.

Dear Readers of Cool Tools,

Who are you? We, the editors, would like to know. It’s hard to keep trying to improve this site when we are unclear exactly who is reading it. Also, it occurs to us, that perhaps you the readers would also like to know who else is reading this site. Our solution to these two riddles is the same: we will ask you a series of questions, and then we’ll share your aggregate answers.

The following survey contains about 30 questions. Answer as many as you want. We will post your collective responses (not individually identified.) Most are multiple choice, some are fill-in-the blank. We’ll compute a score for the multiple choice answers and display that in the results. The fill-in-the blank answers will be kept in a spreadsheet for viewing.

If any reader has any insights from viewing the data about your co-readers, we’d love to here what you think. We’ll also attempt a summary ourselves once the responses stop. We’ll give it two weeks, and then close it.

We look forward for your answers.

Take the survey here.

— KK


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