General Purpose Tools

Easy Sorter Funnel Tray


Organizes bits and pieces in the workshop or the home

I grew up in the age where my father never threw anything away without disassembling it first and scavenging any usable parts. (Thanks for that lesson, Dad!) This included nuts, bolts, screws, switches, wire, etc. As a result, his workbench always had coffee cans sorted with different items. Naturally, I adopted the same idea when I struck out on my own. There is nothing more satisfying than needing a screw, nail or washer and knowing I likely have the exact part sorted on my workbench, thus saving a trip to the local hardware or big box store.

I know every one of you can relate to that! The problem arose whenever I needed to sort through a particular container for the item I was looking for. Quite often I would use a cardboard box or copier box lid to sort through the pile of parts looking for that exact item I needed. While this part worked satisfactorily, replacing the unwanted parts back into the can was always problematic. More often than not, many of the parts wound up spilled on top of the workbench, missing the can entirely. I don’t quite recall where I picked up the Easy Sorter Funnel Tray but I have had it more than 10 years now. Other than some accumulated dirt and a few minor scratches, it has not weakened in any way. The yellow color is a bonus which helps it to stand out on my often cluttered workbench. This item is constantly being used whenever I am at my workbench and I would not hesitate to buy another one should this one ever fail. This tray continues to be the most used tool in my workshop!

-- Roy Schmoutz 01/22/19

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