
Entrepreneur and Inventor, Dan Shapiro

Dan Shapiro: Cool Tools Show, Episode 011

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Robot Turtles creator Dan Shapiro recommends inventions and innovations that offer a surprisingly valuable experience for their price. If you’re looking for high value on a shoestring budget, you won’t be disappointed by Dan’s picks.

Show Notes:

Dan’s Website

Dan’s bestselling game, Robot Turtles

Here are Dan’s tool picks, with quotes from the show:


Brushless DSLR Gimbal $450

“…you look at what comes out of it and it looks like you just shot a documentary even though you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s like sprinkling magic fairy pixie dust on any video you shoot. These things are incredible! I’ve been using every excuse I have to shoot video now because it’s so amazing.”



The Art of Electronics $60- $120

“It’s not theory. It’s not highfalutin. It’s, ‘Here’s how to go build things that work.'”



Navdy $300

“To get something comparable with your car would be thousands of dollars if it’s even available. I think the Corvette has one that’s a multi thousand dollar option. And then at some point in the future you won’t be able to upgrade the firmware, swap it out. The Navdy you can just plunk on your dash…”



Cheerson CX-10 multicopter $20

“Its super stable and small, fits in your pocket easily with room to spare and it’s even capable of doing flips. The thing is just remarkable.”



AliExpress Free

“They have everything from fashion to electronics to lumber, across the board. It’s one of those secrets in my list of suppliers. Everybody knows about Ebay and Amazon. Some people know about these sites like BangGood and Deal Xtreme…but AliExpress is underappreciated.”

-- Cool Tools 09/24/14

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