Extra-warm Beanie/Prague Visitor Pass/Buying Residency
Nomadico issue #132
A weekly newsletter with four quick bites, edited by Tim Leffel, author of A Better Life for Half the Price and The World’s Cheapest Destinations. See past editions here, where your like-minded friends can subscribe and join you.
Beanie With Extra Heat
I got caught in a cold snap in Europe this week and have been glad I packed my Columbia Sportswear Trail Shaker Beanie I’ve used for years. It has the Omni-Heat reflective feature built in, which seems like a gimmick but it really works. It reflects back your body heat, especially useful for the top of your head. It packs down small, so it’s easy to add on a trip to cold places, and comes in nine colors. (They also make jackets with the same tech.)
Young Americans Want to Move Abroad but…
If you believe this survey that came out before the most recent election, one in three Gen Z and millennial-age Americans want to move abroad. Wanting to and doing it are two different things though, with most held back by financial reasons (77%), family (65%), or work (44%). They may be more perceptive than we think, with 69% saying the quality of life is better abroad, and many are prepared already, with 76% having a passport.
The Prague Visitor Pass
I only had two full days in Prague recently, so we went into full tourist mode and joined tours, went to museums, and saw the sites. With the Prague Visitor Pass we could do all that for one price, including unlimited public transportation on the metro, trams, and buses. See the details here on how it worked out for us.
Buying Residency or a Second Passport
If you’re looking for a Plan B and you’ve got plenty of money to work with, some countries let you skip the line and become a citizen. this doesn’t come cheap, with the figures ranging from low six figures to seven, but it’s usually an investment or bank deposit required, not an outright payment. This article runs down all the options and approximate costs, though keep in mind the rules are regularly changing. Portugal, for one, is trying to close this door after it became too popular with foreign real estate investors buying up buildings and turning them into short-term rental properties.