Felt groceries/Bubbly hack/iPhone fixes

Recomendo: issue no. 6
A Kickstarter campaign I recently funded is The New York Fabric Convenience Store, which is Lucy Sparrow’s art project to sew all the items in a convenience store out of felt and then arrange and sell them in a fully felt store in New York City. The pledge rewards are small felt art works themselves. — KK
One of my favorite hacks helps to quickly chill a bottle of bubbly — very useful when you are a dinner guest. Fully wet a paper towel, wrap it around the bottle, then place it in the freezer. In about 10-15 minutes, the paper towel should be hardened and the wine will be chilled. — CL
Some thrilling summer entertainment I’m really enjoying is the sci-fi fantasy series Stranger Things on Netflix. Think: Lost + Goonies + ET + Super 8. You get big heaping servings of mystery, goofy kids, and scary fun. Basically, it’s JJ Abrams + Spielberg. We restrained ourselves and took a whole week to watch the first season. — KK
Travel Tip:
Certain airlines offer very low prices on flights, and then charge for things most airlines include. On Frontier, a carry-on bag is $35-$60. I avoided the fee by using luggage that was small enough to be considered a “personal item” (It has to be under 14″ high, 18″ wide, 8″ deep). A lot of backpacks will meet the size requirements. I have a Swissgear rolling bag, similar to this one. It held enough summer clothes for a 4-night trip, plus a gadget case, a toiletries bag, and my 13-inch laptop with charger. — MF
I’ve been dropping my iPhone a lot lately — enough to make really grateful for my Spigen protective case. It’s slim enough to not feel bulky, and the lip on the front of the case has protected my screen from cracking on 30+ clumsy occasions. The kickstand feature is my favorite. — CL
My two-year-old iPhone 6 Plus wasn’t holding a charge as well as it used it. I ordered the iFixIt battery replacement kit for $40, which includes necessary tools, and excellent step-by-step instructions (video and PDF). It took less than 30 minutes, and I enjoyed looking at the inside of my iPhone. (Direct link to the battery) — MF
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