
Fluwiki Forum * Veratect Twitter

Real time flu news

Influenza = Uncertainty. Rumors. Caution. Hysteria. Pandemic. No, wait, a media frenzy. Or maybe, serious medical worry. Where can you go to find out the latest?

The best dynamic snapshot of what is known to the media is, no surprise, the virus’s Wikipedia page.

The best source for the latest published news from around the world on the H1N1 virus (and other viruses of human health concerns) is the Fluwiki Forum. This site was started for tracking the avian H5N1 virus, and is now trying to keep up with this latest outbreak of swine H1N1. The in-depth and comprehensive background material on flu available on the Fluwiki itself is excellent ballast for the froth of “news.”

If you love the froth of the latest rumors and eye-witness accounts from the street, the twitter stream from Veratect* seems to be the first choice for a real time feed of raw flu news.

-- KK 05/1/09

(*Veratect's Twitter feed has not been updated since December 2009. If you can recommend another live-feed for flu news, please let us know.-- SL — editors)


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