Life on Earth

Fossil Collecting in the Mid-Atlantic States


Where to find fossils

The only thing wrong with this field guide is that it is restricted to the Mid-Atlantic States. It gives very specific driving directions (alas, no GPS coordinates) to easily accessible sites where one can collect small fossils. And each site and its ancient bounty is depicted in lovely sketches. I wish all guides books were like this.

-- KK 09/7/13



Field gear for the well-equipped fossil collector. Hand lenses (top), Elmer's Glue-All, various sizes of masonry chisels (or cold chisels), bandaids (and other first-aid supplies), a chisel-end and pick-end rock hammer, a rock bag, an assortment of maps, newspapers for wrapping specimens, paper bags, plastic bags, an old toothbrush, a notebook and pen, some cotton, small containers, gloves, safety goggles, and a little bit of luck.






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