
Giveaway! Housebuilding for Children


Submit a Tool Review for a Chance to Get this Book

Cool Tools is giving away a copy of the book, Housebuilding for Children, to one person who writes and submits a Cool Tool review between now and Thursday, April 4 at 10pm PT.

From the book’s description:

“A favorite of kids and parents since the 1970s, Housebuilding for Children offers step-by-step illustrated instructions for building six different houses with a description of the necessary tools and equipment. Youngsters will learn the joy of buying and using their own tools, setting up their own workshop, and building any one of seven wonderful houses. More than 100 black-and-white photographs and 150 illustrations and diagrams teach children and parents how to set up a workshop, get started using basic carpentry tools, and finally building their very own wood-frame house, factory-built house, glass house, post-and-beam house, junkyard house, tree house, and now an A-frame house.”

We’ll pick our favorite review (about any tool you love) and notify the author. We hold giveaways every Friday, so if your review isn’t selected this time, try again. (Search Cool Tools to make sure your review is for a tool we haven’t previously reviewed.)

Congrats to Jeff Robinson for winning the giveaway!

Please use our Submit a Tool form to send us your review.


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