
Giveaway! Inventables $50 Gift Card


Cool Tools is giving away an Inventables $50 Gift Card to one person who writes and submits a Cool Tool ...

Cool Tools is giving away an Inventables $50 Gift Card to one person who writes and submits a Cool Tool review between now and Thursday, August 29 at noon PST. We’ll pick our favorite review (about any tool you love) and notify the person who wrote it. (I won’t send the physical card — just the gift code you can redeem at Inventables.)

If you write a review and you don’t win the gift card, don’t despair — if we like it we will run it here on Cool Tools. We pay $25 for each review we run. Please use our Submit a Tool form to send us your review.

NOTE: If you got an error message when you submitted a review, rest assured that we received it. We’ve hopefully fixed the confirmation message.


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