
Gohn Bros.

Source for old-fashioned Amish clothes and goods

For Amish goods, you can hardly do better than the incomparable Gohn Brothers. They’re the real old school. Need diaper pins, buggy robes or, oddly, LA Gear High Top Leather shoes? The Gohns got ’em. Probably their most well-known items are the broadfall drop-front work pants and old fashioned colonial shirts, which are popular with the Revolutionary and Civil War re-enactment people. No web site, as you might expect, but call or write for a catalog.

-- Edward J. Murphy 02/17/04

(Now 100 years old, the catalog itself hasn't changed any in the last century. No pictures, no drawings, only simple line descriptions and prices on four stapled sheets. Prices for such standards as rubber boots, Hudson Bay blankets, wool socks, etc. are a bit lower than on main street. -- KK — editors)


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