
Great Outdoors Tool Submission Contest

Cool Tools Contest #3

Given the success of the two contests we held earlier this spring, we have decided to continue the tradition and are pleased to announce our third Cool Tools contest.

Now that summer is finally upon us many of you are no doubt preparing to head into the wilds. Whether you are hiking, backpacking, or car-camping, having the right tools at hand is of the utmost importance. That is why our third Cool Tools contest is seeking reviews of indispensable tools you use while hiking, backpacking, or camping (or preparing to do any of those things).

Send us a recommendation of a cool tool you have used while exploring the great outdoors (or even your backyard), and include a bit about your experience using it, and why others might want to know about it. We are looking for tools that are tried and true; submissions should be for tools that the reviewer has been using for a while, the longer the better.

The world of camping/hiking/backpacking is overwhelmed with new products every year. Here at Cool Tools we aren’t necessarily interested in those products that shave off an ounce or two but cost a fortune (unless, of course, you can justify the added cost). We are interested in utility and how the tool improves your experience. Also, don’t limit yourself to tools you use in the woods; we are also interested in books, websites, or sources that have improved your outdoors experience.

Remember, A great Cool Tool review consists of the following five parts:
1) a succinct description of what the tool is,
2) how it changed your behavior,
3) why Cool Tools should run the item,
4) why it is superior to other things, and
5) why we should believe you.

The author of the most publishable review gets to select a prize from the Prize Pool and will be published the following week. So tell us what you love!

Previously reviewed backpacking/hiking/camping tools include:
Fiskars Pruning Saw
Guyot Designs Squishy Bowls
Gossamer Whisper Uberlight Pack
Sierra Designs 1- Person Tent
Free Topo Maps
Allen and Mike’s Really Cool Backpackin’ Book


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