Honeywell 7-Day Programmable Switch

Programmable solar time table switch
I learned about this switch in the comments section of Cool Tools for a different, timed switch.
Our home has a bunch of outdoor lights on two separate switches. I had swapped out the incandescents for LEDs (CFLs don’t work outside here in the winter outside and will wreck themselves), but we still wanted to automate all of them. Installing light sensors & timers was not the solution I wanted, but, until I saw the comment for these, I didn’t know what we needed.
These switches are ideal: Find the lat/long degrees (easy on the Internet) and date/time of your location, and the internal astronomic table “knows” when dusk & dawn are in your area, year round. We wanted ours to come on at dusk, go off at midnight, so a simple extra program step, and we’re done. It’s coming up on two years since I installed them and, even with a few power interruptions later, we’ve still yet to touch them again.
These switches coupled with LED “bulbs” give us good, reliable, inexpensive outdoor light that we don’t even have to think about. Wonderful.
07/20/15Honeywell Econoswitch 7-Day Solar Time Table Programmable Switch for Lights and Motors $40