How to be a better writer/Best USB-C cables/Unconsenting Media

Recomendo: issue no. 158
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How to be a better writer
My friend Gareth Branwyn has been writing books and articles for top-tier publishers for decades. He recently wrote an article called “How to Be a Better Writer: Tips, tricks, and hard-won lessons: from creating drafts to working with editors,” and is a gold mine of treasure for anyone interested in improving their writing. — MF
Best USB-C cables
Cables matter. Despite the name Universal in USB, USB cables are not universal, especially the emerging new USB-C style. Ones with the same plug can charge at different rates, and transfer data (or not) differently. Cheap generic ones are not always compatible, which I have learned the hard way. Wirecutter has researched recommended USB-C cables with clarity.— KK
Unconsenting media is a searchable database of movies and TVs show for the purpose of finding out whether or not sexual violence is depicted. You can filter by rating. Green means there is none. Orange means it is implied and Red means it is on-screen. — CD
Long read on future of retail
I recommend this deep reported dive into the precarious state of grocery chains in the US, and why their future is moving away from transactions (owned by Amazon) and into the realm of experiences. This move toward experiences is not just about grocery stores. It applies to all products. services, and businesses. — KK
Portable fold-up hammock
I recently went camping in the Humboldt Redwoods State Park and was so happy we brought along this Mac Sports portable fold-up hammock. I fell asleep staring up at the giant redwoods and napped so comfortably. It’s really easy to put up and take down, and it comes with a sun shade. — CD
Powerful tiny amp
“Class-T amplifiers” have been around for over 20 years. They are tiny, cheap, and look like toys. But they sound amazing. I bought a Bluetooth model for $40 (Nobsound G3 5.0 Amplifier) and hooked it up to a pair of old speakers. The sound is very clean with zero buzz or distortion. Anyone in my family can play music through the amp right from their mobile phones. — MF