How to make your point/Unsplash/Mini pharmacy

Recomendo: issue no. 65
How to make your point
These succinct tips for how to write an op-ed piece are clear, 100% correct, and useful for any kind of factual writing. Compresses a whole course, or book, to 15 bullet points. — KK
Truly free photos
Unsplash is an online collection of high quality photos that are free to use for any reason, even commercial purposes. You aren’t required to credit the author, but you can if you wish. A good resource for bloggers and designers. — MF
Mini pharmacy
I travel with a mini-pharmacy in my day pack, particularly overseas. I use inexpensive pill organizers to hold common non-prescription remedies. These small plastic strips are sold as “7-day” containers for folks who need to take multiple pills per pay, but I put such a few doses of different medicines in each slot. I carry remedies for semi-emergencies like motion sickness, allergies, colds, diarrhea, pain, sleep aid, coughing, upset stomach, etc. I stick a tiny label on each compartment with the name and dosage, which is enough. I restock the few doses before each trip. Off-the-shelf medicines are not rare abroad, but language and branding differences often make it a chore to secure them. Using these light and compact containers I (and traveling companions) have access to a wide range of immediate treatments. — KK
Smelly gift idea
I like giving perfume and cologne samplers as gifts. These gift boxes from Sephora come with 12-17 samples (each bottle has about 3 uses) of the year’s newest or most popular perfumes, and inside is a voucher that they can return for a full-size bottle of their favorite scent. This is always one of my go-to Christmas gifts. — CD
Label lifter
I use Goo Gone to remove stickers from glass and plastic, but when I need to remove a label from a book cover or cardboard, the Scotty Peeler Label and Sticker Remover does the trick. The flat tapered edge fits between a label and the surface and, if you work slowly and carefully, will remove the label without marring the surface of your book or other item. — MF
Easiest way to zoom
I’ve found the easiest way to zoom in and zoom out on my iMac is to hold control while scrolling the wheel on my mouse. I have a bluetooth Magic Mouse which requires enabling a scroll feature (instructions here), and I’m sorry to say I’m not sure if this works on Windows, but it’s worth setting up and so easy once you do. — CD
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