How to Stop Worrying/Moodnotes/The Man of the People

Recomendo: issue no. 31
Two favorite diagrams:
How to stop worrying, and Good, Fast, Cheap. — MF
A maxim I am paying attention to is an anonymous quote: “It’s easier to act your way into a new way of thinking, than think your way into a new way of acting.” This is a handy way to remember the fact that smiling makes me happier, and acting as if I am confident makes me more confident, etc., and that changing my behavior is a great way to change my mind. — KK
Mood tracking:
There are a lot of mood tracking apps out there and most are free, but I have yet to find one as easy to use and well-designed as Moodnotes ($2.99, iPhone). You can customize to the app to check in with you as many times a day as you want, and your level of participation can be as little as adjusting a smiley face from frowning to grinning, to journaling and learning about common “thinking traps” and practices to avoid them. It also provides insights/stats about your moods over time. — CD
Hotel rooms typically have a lot of bright LEDs in them — fire alarms, phone, TVs, clock radio, etc. — that can be annoying when you want to sleep. These “Super Sticky” black Post-it notes are an easy way to cover them up. — MF
An awesome podcast episode that I loved is “The Man of the People” on Reply All. In only 42 minutes it tells the nearly incredible true story about a charlatan who made millions by surgically implanting goat testicals in men, almost became governor of Kansas to escape censure, moved to the Mexico side of the border to broadcast in the US without US oversight, made country and western music a national thing, by his quackery provoked the creation of the AMA (American Medical Association), and invented commercial radio. This podcast has the distinction of being the first podcast to be turned into a Hollywood movie, starring Robert Downey Jr. If you want to know what podcasts are about, try this one. — KK
I came across Menagerie wine pourers/aerators at a winery and wish I would have bought more. They’re made from stainless steel and they definitely feel heavy and high-quality, but mostly they’re just really cute. They have almost 100 different creatures to choose from — animals and make-believe — I chose an octopus. – CD
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