General Purpose Tools

Indexing Flat Pry Bar


Head indexes over 180 Degrees and locks in 16 positions

I have worked as a carpenter off and on for years and have used all kinds of pry bars from old crow bars, the Wonder Bar in the ’80s and various Stanley pry bars since.

I happened upon this Crescent pry bar while browsing through the hand tool department at my local Home Depot, an activity I indulge in when my wife is not with me. I played around with the indexing feature and realized that this bar could be used in very cramped quarters because the handle can be positioned in 16 different positions.

I bought the bar and immediately found several jobs for it. I had some spikes that I needed to remove from the side of a floor joist. They were large and rusty and in a position where I couldn’t use a conventional pry bar. I grabbed the Crescent bar, set the handle angle so it would fit between the joists and quickly removed the spikes.

Even though the handle angle changes, you still have the long handle that provides a lot of force at the claw. The indexing mechanism snaps positively into position and is well constructed. I wish I had owned this tool decades ago. It’s become an indispensable part of my tool collection. They also make a 30 in. model.

-- Bob Switzer 08/26/16

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