Last Copies

If you are reading this blog, then you probably have a copy of the Cool Tools book. If you do, ...
If you are reading this blog, then you probably have a copy of the Cool Tools book. If you do, you know that it both extremely handy and very inspiring. You can find some rave reviews in the press on our book page. The most common praise points to how diverse its interests are; it has something for everyone. Cool Tools, the book, is especially aspirational for a young person. It opens up a world of possibility they were probably not aware of. In other words, Cool Tools is a great gift. Even better it is a meta-gift, in that it also contains a thousand gift ideas within its pages.
Unfortunately, last year at this holiday time, Cool Tools sold out. Right before Christmas none could be found on Amazon or in bookstores. We did another printing since then, but we don’t intend to print anymore. This was a one-cycle project. After the current pile is sold, there will be no more.
I don’t imagine there will be many copies left after the new year, so if you’d like to give the Cool Tools book away as a gift to the young people in your life, or to anyone who likes to make things or make things happen, or, to yourself, I highly recommend you reserve one now on Amazon. The delights of this immense book are hard to describe but almost everyone who has received one is wowed.
Amazon discounts the $40 book deeply, but variably. It currently sells it for $27, a great bargain.