General Purpose Tools

Lineman’s Compound Action Pliers


Compound leverage design increases cutting pressure by 50 percent

I have been using a pair of Crescent Lineman’s Compound Action Pliers for over a year now and would not be without them. Cutting cutting things like mechanic’s wire (bailing wire), nails, electrical wire, etc. is easy thanks to its compound action.

These pliers will make work easier to do and allow you to do jobs you may not have been able to do with a regular set of pliers. It pulls and rips fasteners out of even stubborn materials. Also, you can use them to bend materials like metal pieces. You can use them for all the jobs you would use regular pliers.

ou can choose from a wide selection of various brands such as Crescent, DeWalt, Craftsman, Stanley and more and are available at most hardware stores, big box stores or online. I bought the Crescent 9-inch pair. Also, most brands are available in linesman form, needle nose, or side cutter variants. I think the linesman kind is probably the most versatile.

-- Justin Lamar 06/14/21

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