Lloyd Kahn, Master Urban Homesteader

In a manner of hours, on Wednesday, February 12, I’m hanging out with Lloyd Kahn in a Google Hangout. Lloyd is ...
In a manner of hours, on Wednesday, February 12, I’m hanging out with Lloyd Kahn in a Google Hangout. Lloyd is one of the coolest people I know. He lives in a beautiful wooden home in Bolinas, California, that he built himself from salvaged materials. He homesteads, heating with wood he scavenges from windfalls along the road, growing organic veggies in his raised beds. He’s kept backyard chickens forever (he turned me onto backyard egg goodness). He eats roadkill. He hunts mushrooms. He makes books about homemade shelters. Runs mountain races. He visits San Francisco once a week to hear the latest music. He surfs, and skateboards. He is 79 years old!
Lloyd is a big fan of Cool Tools. He’s written a bunch of reviews for the site, and encouraged me to assemble a Cool Tools book. He worked on the original Whole Earth Catalog, where he was the “Shelter” editor, so he’s seen a lot of do-it-yourself stuff over the years. What I love about Lloyd is his enthusiasm and gumption. He is always learning new things, trying new stuff, and never letting failure stop his enjoyment. He is very young. He is also a compulsive sharer, broadcasting what he is learning for the benefit of others. I get pumped up each time I chat with him.
On Wednesday, at 5pm California time (8 EST) I hope you have a chance to see Lloyd in action. The first eight folks to sign up on this form can join us in the hangout. Anyone else can watch the conversation live stream by going to this Google Hangout link. And later there will be a recorded video on YouTube of the conversation.
We’ll talk about how Lloyd does all these cool things, how he learns so fast, what he knows about urban homesteading, his next book, and what new cool tools he recommends.
Join us one way or another!