This week on Maker Update, designing your own bobblehead, a new trick for your Raspberry Pi, what’s so great about deburring tools, McMaster Carr meets Tinkercad, and a roundup of 3D printed Pi cases. This week’s Cool Tool is the General Tools 481 Swivel Head Deburring Tool.
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3D Printed Bobblehead by Paige Russell

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General Tools 481 Swivel Head Deburring Tool with Handle Storage
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Cool Tools: Beadle Wrap
Awesome Pi Cases to Print
Import McMaster-Carr Components Into Tinkercad by Paige Russell
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For this week’s Cool Tools video review I’m going to show you a deburring tool great for cleaning up the edges of metal and plastic. I picked this up for around $11 on Amazon, and by using the link in the description to get this same one, you’re helping to support my videos and the Cool Tools blog.
There are a few different types of deburring tools — this one is a swivel-head model made by General Tools. It’s essentially a plastic handle that holds a curved metal blade perfect for smoothing out any sharp edges left behind from cutting metal or plastic.
It’s a quick tool to use. It’s sharp and doesn’t take a lot of force. It’s commonly used by plumbers to smooth off the rough edges of freshly cut pipe.
For me, though, I mostly use this for cleaning up holes drilled into metal or plastic project enclosures. Drilling almost always kicks up some rough bits that prevent switches or buttons from sitting flush. A quick pass with the deburring tool cleans it right up.
It’s also great for smoothing out rough lines from longer cuts in plastic or sheet metal. For example, on my Hello Kitty go kart for Maker Faire, I had to carve away a lot of pink plastic with hack saws and rotary tools. To make everything look a little more deliberate, I ran the deburring tool over it to remove all the shredded and melted bits.