
Mann Lake Beekeeping Starter Kit


Cheapest way to start bees

This is the least expensive kit for starting beekeeping. It has everything you need to raise some honey, except 3 things. You’ll need bees; order them by mail separately, or find a swarm. You’ll need to add at least one “upper” story of frames to store your share of the honey, and you’ll need access to an extractor — extracting honey by hand from this upper is possible but extremely messy. With care the equipment included should last many decades. You need only keep adding boxes of frames.

Used bee equipment is not advisable these days because of rampant bee disease. A beginner should start with new gear. There are a few sources with cheaper kits, but their shipping costs — between costs $60-$90 — will kill any bargain. Mann Lake offers free shipping, a fantastic deal with such bulky stuff. Also, their boxes and frames come fully assembled, which is also not the norm. That can save you several hours, and for a beginner, it provides assurance everything is right. Get the unpainted option; that’s easy enough to do and you can choose your color (they don’t have to be white).

If you have Amazon Prime you can get the same deal through Amazon.

-- KK 08/1/14


The Basic Starter Kit Includes:

  • Assembled Hive Bodies or Supers
  • Assembled Frames with Rite-Cell® Foundation OR
    Waxed Standard Plastic Frames
  • Assembled Telescoping Cover w/Inner Cover
  • Assembled Bottom Board w/Reducer
  • 9 1/2" (24.13 cm) Hive Tool
  • Economy Leather Gloves (Large, color may vary)
  • Alexander Bee Veil
  • Dome Top Smoker w/Guard
  • "The New Starting Right With Bees" Book

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