Prove Us Wrong

Prove Us Wrong: Utili-Key


Is this the best tool in its category?

In 2003 we recommended the Utili-Key as a great pocket tool that you can “pass through airport security checks unnoticed.”

Last week I gave an electronics workshop in Tulas to a group of about 50 heads of private schools, and discovered that the kits did not include wire strippers as expected. One of the workshop participants pulled out his Utili-Key and went to work cutting and stripping jumper wires for the group. This little tool saved the day (or at least prevented a chip tooth or two). I ended up ordering one for myself.

Here’s our question: Have you come across an even better tool in the same category? if you have, tell us about it. If we run your review, we’ll pay you $25 and give you our eternal gratitude.

-- Mark Frauenfelder 11/10/14

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