General Purpose Tools

Razor Blade Safety Glass Scraper


Remove the old stickers and gummy adhesive from glass surfaces

One of the rites of spring in our town is the replacement of window stickers for the transfer station, beach, etc. In the past I have used putty knives, hand-held razor blades, and goo-gone or goof-off with mixed results to remove the old stickers and gummy adhesive and was not looking forward to this year’s ritual. A guy ahead of me in line at the hardware store was buying one of these and I decided to give this tool a try. It’s a simple concept really, just a razor blade holder that clamps the blade in place and allows the blade to be exposed for use or retracted for storage. The tool is a complete improvement over my prior methods and I was able to completely remove 8 decals from 2 cars in less than 3 minutes total. Scrape, scrape, scrape without scratching the glass or risking a cut. Decals and adhesive came right off, including two that had been on the window for more than 3 years.

-- Mark Barry 09/19/16

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