
Rustoleum Epoxy Appliance Paint

Extra tough spray paint

I learned about this spray paint a while ago from an old gent that restores appliances. The paint is a super-hard washable epoxy coating for appliances that have scuffed or discolored surfaces. The spray paint goes on very smoothly; I’ve used 4 cans worth, and have not had any drips or runs. I used it first on an old refrigerator, the front of a gas stove and the vent above.

Heat doesn’t seem to bother it, or at least it hasn’t bubbled. The paint dries in about 2 hours to a touchable surface, but it is best to let it sit for a few hours, and it really looks good. Price at Home Depot was $6.00 a can, same as any other Rustoleum product. It comes in several colors and can also be purchased, apparently, in gallon cans. For the price it is hard to beat, and for this application I haven’t seen any comparable product that works as well. It is a very easy and practical way to refurbish old appliances. My wife even likes it.

-- Stephen Young 05/23/11

(Note: For those looking for higher heat applications, Rustoleum makes a high-heat enamel spray for restoring grills and other hot appliances that can withstand a wider temperature range. — editors)


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