Big Systems

Sky Atlas 2000.0

Map of the greater neighborhood

This is the definitive atlas of stars for backyard star gazers. Large charts accurately map any star you can see from Earth with amateur optics. There are a lot of them; about 80,000 (visible to magnitude 8.5). Professional atlases list fainter objects, and field guidebooks like Peterson’s may be more portable, but the Star Atlas 2000 is now the standard reference star catalog for serious buffs navigating into deep space.

— KK

Sky Atlas 2000.0
Wil Tirion and Roger W. Sinnott
1999 (2nd edition), 30 pages (26 charts)
Deluxe version, spiralbound
$330 (used)
Cambridge University Press


[Sky Atlas 2000.0, 2nd edition, is available in a confusing array of versions: Deluxe (black stars, white sky, color deep-sky objects), spiralbound, or hardcover, or in two black-and-white versions: Field (white stars in black sky), or the inverse Desk (black stars in whites sky). Both black-and-white versions are available either as loose charts, boxed, or as laminated pages, spiralbound. The consensus among amateur astronomers is that the spiralbound deluxe version of black stars on white sky with color objects is the most useful.]


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