Snap-On Cordless Impact Wrench

Best heavy duty cordless impact wrench
I’ve had this wrench for 11 months and it’s far exceeded my expectations. I’ve had other makes before, but they never had enough torque for heavy-duty use. This Snap-on has so much torque that I have never been stuck trying to remove seized and rusted nuts. The only problem I’ve found is with small bolts you have to be careful not to snap them as the torque is so great.
We use a lot of 38mm nuts and bolts on excavator attachments out in the field and in the past I’ve had to rely on using a short scaffold tube on breaker bar to get them tight enough that they don’t work loose. Now all I need is this amazing impact wrench.
Another great thing is that because of the way impact wrenches work I can do this on my own, holding the bolt with a spanner with one hand and tightening the nut with the wrench in the other. In the past it was a two man job.
It is more expensive than some others, but if you have the need for a heavy duty cordless impact wrench then this is by far the best one in my opinion.
02/24/14Snap-On CT7850 Cordless Impact Wrench $705 (Includes impact wrench, 2 Lithium battery packs, CTC720 charger, and tote bag.)