

Baby cart hanger

Strollers these days are huge, mammoth contraptions. Sure they fold up nicely, but you still have to find a place to put them. Once we got this hook, rather than just parking our stroller in the kitchen or dining room, we created a set, out-of-the-way place to store it. And since it’s off the floor, that gives us more space to fill up with more baby stuff. The hook is strong (we have a Quinny Buzz stroller, which weighs abouts 15 lbs.). It doesn’t require drilling or mounting into anything, since it hangs over the top a door. It comes down far enough that never have to lift the stroller very high to hang it up (I’m about 5’5″). The sides pivot, too, allowing you to adjust the width to fit a variety of strollers. It looks nice to boot — modern, sleek and not babyish, though the white ends soften it up a bit. Doesn’t look like an industrial garage hook, although you could probably use it as one. Plus, when we no longer need a stroller, we have a coat hook that can be easily relocated.

-- Amanda Hughes-Watkins 06/25/08

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