
Taurus 3 Diamond Ring Saw


Detailed shape cutting saw for glass, tile, metal, and plastic

I own two of these saws — one at my home in upstate New York, the other at my winter home in Jamaica. A diamond ring saw enables me to cut intricate shapes in ceramic tile, and allows me to create wonderful mosaics. I’ve been using my Jamaican saw the longest, spending a good part of my winter on the endless project of tiling the entire outside of my house.

The saws are mostly sold to stained glass artisans, and using it to cut heavy tile pushes it pretty hard. The ceramic dust is quite abrasive, and wears out the bearings in the saw fairly quickly. Fortunately the replacement parts are readily available, and regular cleaning of the saw keeps it in tip-top shape.

They sell a variety of blades for the saw — my favorites for tile work are their mega-blade and the recently added speed-cut blade.

-- Tom Dimock 06/3/13

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