
TerraLUX LED Replacement Bulb * Nite Ize LED Kit

Turn your Maglite into LED

This item converts any AA or AAA Maglite into an LED torch, with the same brightness as the original, the same ability to focus the bulb, much longer battery life, and eliminating the need to ever change the bulb again. It fits in the same way as the bulb, and does not require any modification to the Maglite. This is a way to keep on using the sturdy Maglite casing and benefit from LED technology.

— Ellis Weinberger

TerraLUX TLE-10 MicroStar1 LED Replacement Bulb
Available from Amazon

Manufactured by TerraLUX


Easily and inexpensively upgrade those Mini-Mags lying around in your drawer to life long L.E.D bulbs and longer battery life. You lose the focus feature but who cares. Niteize has a bunch of other useful stuff as well.

— Cliff Rediger

Nite Ize AA Mini Maglite LED Upgrade Kit
Available from Amazon

Manufactured by Nite Ize


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