
The Inevitable/Better test scores/Free stock images


Recomendo: issue no. 46

The Inevitable:
I unabashedly recommend my book The Inevitable, available this week in paperback for $12, as a clear vision of the 25 years in digital technology. It’s an optimistic explanation of how we can use this tech for our mutual benefit with the least harm. Two years after I finished writing it, I wouldn’t change a word. I think it nails the big trends. — KK

Lazy read-later tip:
Sometimes I open a bunch of links I find interesting and just right click > Bookmark All Tabs, then save them in a folder with the date on it, or topic if they’re all related. I know I’ll get to them eventually. — CD

Free stock images and photos:
AllTheFreeStock gives you easy access to a bunch of different sites offering free photos, illustrations, stock videos, sound effects, fonts, and icons. A lot of the stuff is of surprisingly high-quality. — MF

Better test scores:
For high-schoolers: The Khan Academy, the premier free online classroom, will tailor an SAT study course to your personal abilities based on your PSAT scores. They claim to be able to increase scores by 115 points. Sign up at Khan Academy, give PSAT permission to share your completed test, and Khan will create a free course designed for you personally. It will focus on your weak areas. BTW, they found that students who study together learn 2.5x as much as those who study alone. — KK

Search tip:
Similar to Kevin’s search tip for troubleshooting, I’ve gotten in the habit of searching for “Things I wish I knew before I started X.” It can help you prepare for your next endeavor and avoid common pitfalls. I did this recently with “Things I wish I knew before I got pregnant,” and I’m so glad I did, because it eased a lot of my fears and makes me appreciate this in-between time. — CD

Goo Gone to go:
If you have an Amazon Prime account, you can buy a plastic dispenser bottle of 24 Goo Gone wipes for $4. It has a pleasant citrus smell and works like a charm to remove chewing gum jar labels, tree sap, sticker adhesive and more from most any surface. — MF

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-- Kevin Kelly, Mark Frauenfelder, Claudia Dawson 06/11/17

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