
Tips 4

The replaceable filter on my large shop-vac is nearly $20. But I can extend its life significantly if I clean ...

The replaceable filter on my large shop-vac is nearly $20. But I can extend its life significantly if I clean it every now and then with my old vacuum (the one with the bag). It cleans out the crevices and pores of the shop vac filter and makes it nearly as good as new.

— Durwin Sharp


I’ve been trying to figure out what to with our 401k funds and have found the best discussions are on, especially on the “Vanguard Diehards” board, even if your 401k plan doesn’t offer Vanguard. These people are serious, conservative investors, which is useful even if you’re not conservative in approach. The boards are free, even though Morningstar charges for other premium information.

— Elizabeth Logan


Penny Alcohol Stove

A very simple, efficient, ultra light backpacking stove, that one can build with only a few tools. Created by Mark Jurey.

— Eagle


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