
Torex Hot and Cold Sleeve

Thermal sleeve

About a year ago I developed an extremely bad case of tennis elbow and was introduced to the Torex ice sleeve by my physiotherapist. The ice sleeve is very soft. It never freezes even when very cold and can be rolled onto my arm. Because it is a sleeve and not a pack it stays in place and is very comfortable. I had to ice my upper forearm for at least 20 minutes to get any relief and using the Torex beats holding a pack of frozen peas any day. I would just roll it on and forget about it until it warmed up.

I use the medium size and have found that it is perfect for ankles as well. I used it after getting hit in the ankle with a puck playing ice hockey.

The sleeve is non-toxic, latex-free, and made in the USA. It can also be used as a heat pack following very specific heating instructions in a microwave.

I’ve also discovered a bonus use. The medium size is perfect to roll over a can of beer. It is, by far, the fastest drink cooler I have seen. My brother would always steal my ice sleeve to cool his drinks and now that my elbow is better I use it mostly for that purpose, as well.

This thermal sleeve is a very comfortable ice/heat pack and an extremely efficient beer cooler. Two qualities that make you feel better.

-- Cengiz Beyta 10/31/11

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