
True Films 2.0

Best documentaries ever

[Note: the most recent edition is the True Films 3.0 ebook]

This is version 2 of my reviews of the best documentaries and factuals available. This time I review 150 of the best true films and list two dozen others which I deem only “good.” For each film I present 4 or 5 screen shots, and captions, which I snagged from the film to give you some idea of their texture. As before I only review films that are easily available at consumer prices. That means films in theatrical release or locked up in “educational” pricing schemes are not included.

You have about 5 different ways to get this book. I designed the book in color, but you can buy a black and white softcover version from, where it is the cheapest, or for a bit more from Amazon, where it is the easiest to order. Or you can buy a luxurious 156-page full color softcover version from Lulu. Or you can buy a dirt cheap color version as a PDF download, and get it instantly. In a few weeks you’ll be able to get versions for e-book readers and PDAs.

Now here is the thing. In each mode, I make exactly the same profit: $1.50 per book. In an experiment in new publishing I have priced each version $1.50 above my costs. So the different prices merely reflect the different costs of that venue. This means I don’t care which edition you choose! Whether you buy the $2 PDF version, or the $30 color Lulu print version, or order from Amazon, I make exactly the same $1.50 per book. As I add other options for purchase the same process will apply: my total markup will be $1.50 above my costs.

Do I need to mention there is the free website version? Not as handy as a book, but updated with my latest additional reviews. However, I’m partial to the book version. It is a great browse, very concentrated and accessible and as it says on the cover “Perfect for Netflix.”

-- KK 12/18/06

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