Just 1 Question

What is under your bed?

Just One Question #9

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Safety before storage

Absolutely nothing! I read once that if you have a cat you should not store anything under the bed. If there is an emergency you can still reach your cat because they can’t hide in between the things stored under the bed.

Renee L

Holiday Secrets

Christmas presents and boxes! And my husband still doesn’t know that’s where they are kept.

Bonnie Raub


3 concert posters from the Dave Matthews Band 2015 Tour.

Derek C


Dustbunnies. I’d like to say that it’s because I’m an organized person, but in all honesty it’s because there’s less than an inch of space between the bed and the floor.


Living with dogs & wishful thinking

Three dog toys, two containers of cold weather clothes and extra blankets we barely use because winters are less and less cold, one container of clothes I think I’ll fit into again sometime. Enough dog hair and dust that we just purchased a robot vacuum to help us get under there more often.


Now I’m old.

Well, aside from decades of unrealized dreams, currently there is a chronically-avoided bathroom scale and a mandolin, in its case, needing new strings, which I just bought. Also, a copy of “The Last Waltz” which I will never part with. DID YOU SEE THAT MOVIE? THE STAPLES SINGERS ARE IN IT! And, weirdly, Neil Diamond. I’ve come to understand over the years that there should be a lot more stuff under the bed and it should mostly be sacks and sacks of fears that did me no good out in the open; hesitations that should never have occurred; and promises I was too afraid to make. Now I’m old.



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