
What you fear/Cobweb Duster/Audience choirs

Recomendo - issue #428

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What you fear 

This might be an oversimplification of the true sources behind our fears, but I appreciate this visual chart of possible unmet needs and the arrows pointing toward a healthy resolution for each fear. Sometimes fear can be paralyzing, and this serves as a good reminder to stay curious about my negative emotions and what truly lies behind them. — CD

Spider-busting extendable duster

The house we moved into a few months ago is overrun by spiders. New webs appear every day. This cobweb/duster has a 100-inch extendable pole that lets me reach the high corners where spiders tend to spin their webs, both inside and outside the house. It comes with two interchangeable heads — the spider web brush tackles cobwebs, while the microfiber duster gently cleans delicate areas. I paid around $13 for it and it’s surprisingly sturdy for the price. — MF

Audience choirs

Something super-magical happens when people sing collectively in harmony. We don’t do it very much any more. Musical genius Jacob Collier is trying to change that with his audience choirs—the audience sings, in harmony, without practice. It can be profoundly beautiful. As example, listen to this concert at the Kennedy Center that begins with an Irish ballad. If that works for you, there’s longer audience harmony at Academy Brixton in London. Other performers, such as Pub Choir, are doing this as well on world tours. If you have a chance, give communal signing a try. — KK

Camp and emergency lamp

I got this idea from the Amish. They have replaced their kerosene lamps with LED lamps powered by a rechargeable battery. That’s not so new; their hack is to power the LED lamps with a cordless tool battery, which acts as a stable base, lasts a super long time (days), and can usually be found charged. Also, a battery is the most expensive part of a light and this is dual use. You can get these units to fit any of the three major tool battery systems. I use ours (for a Dewalt battery) for brilliant emergency lighting and as a perfect camp lamp.— KK

Download all images on a web page

I’ve been using the Image downloader – Imageye Chrome extension for the past year, and it has yet to fail me. This extension allows me to quickly and easily browse and bulk download all images from a webpage. The features I find most useful are the ability to filter images by width, height, or URL, and then save images to subfolders while renaming them. Overall, it does exactly what I need efficiently. — CD

Ten strong suggestions for surviving misinformation

Author A.J. Jacobs created the best guide for navigating our post-truth world. His “Ten Strong Suggestions” include framing disagreements as puzzles rather than battles, assigning percentages to beliefs, and embracing sources that admit mistakes. Jacobs advocates for curiosity over fury, skepticism of individual experts while respecting consensus, and wariness of human memory. This is the opposite of fake news. — MF


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