What's in My Bag

What’s in my bag? — David Valadez


What's in my bag? issue #88

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I am a public school teacher living in San Francisco with my wife and two pugs. I love reading comic books, riding my bicycle, and listening to artists like Monster Rally. If you want to help students at my school get books delivered to their homes, please donate to the McKinley Book Fund. If you would like to adopt or donate to my favorite pug rescue go to Pug Rescue of Northern California. If you are ever in the Bay Area, please patronize my favorite comic shop, Comix Experience. — David Valadez


About the bag

I have the Burrito Supreme Bag made by Road Runner ($80). They are handmade in Los Angeles and I highly recommend checking out all the other bags they make. I like this one because it’s big enough to fit all my biking essentials (all the items you see in the picture along with my phone, wallet and keys). It easily attaches to your handle bars and just looks really cool

What’s inside the bag

Prentler Sticker Pack
Paul Prentler is an artist I follow on instagram. He has a monthly sticker subscription you can get on Patreon. I love putting these stickers on my water bottles, notebooks, or any where else that needs a lift.

JBL Clip 2 ($50)
I saw “the guy” from HBO’s “High Maintenance” wear this on his backpack while riding his bike on the show and I started doing the exact same thing. It packs a lot of audio power in such a little package. Makes riding all the more fun!

TOPO Designs Accessory Bag ($15)
A simple zipper bag to fit change, cards, or whatever odds and ends you don’t want flying around in your main bag.

Moleskine Notebooks ($13) and Sharpie S-Gel Pens ($5, 4pk)
What’s a bag recommendation without noting a favorite notebook and pen? I like writing on Moleskine Cahier soft journals because they are flexible and you don’t feel overwhelmed by the size of it. The S-gel pens write smoothly and don’t bleed onto the paper. So choice.


(We want to hear about unusual and unusually useful items that you carry in your bag. It can be anything really: gym bag, travel bag, art bag, tool bag, etc. — or just a combination of your favorite items of the moment, that you would carry in a bag if you could. Start by sending an email to claudia@cool-tools.org with a photo of the things in your bag (you can use your phone). If you get a reply from us, fill out the form. We’ll pay you $50 if we run your submission in our What’s in my bag? newsletter and blog. — editors)


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