What’s in my NOW? — Felix Bölter
issue #178
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Hi, I’m Felix, 33, married with two kids. By day I’m a Police Officer, by night I write a newsletter and blog about the challenges of becoming a young adult. — Felix Bölter

- Leuchtturm1917 Jottbook A6 — Having a pocket notebook with me at all times has turned out to be a simple, yet very effective life hack. Now I don’t have to trust my brain or use my phone to remember quotes, ideas or tasks anymore. I use this thing all the time – which is why the investment in a high-quality product like the Leuchtturm1917 Jottbook makes sense for me. Their slogan is “Thinking by hand”, and that’s exactly what I love about using a pocket notebook in general and this product in particular. It’s a joy to write in and it can take a beating.
- Daily Dad Tempus Fugit Medallion — As a parent, being fully present with your kids and enjoying every moment with them should be the easiest thing in the world – but it turns out it can be quite challenging. This medallion says “Tempus Fugit”, which translates to “time flies”, and reminds me that “They grow up so fast”. I always have this coin in my pocket, and every time I feel it’s weight, it brings me back to the present moment with my children or helps me prioritize family time over the the endless superficial, not-really-important options that life offers.
- Leuchtturm1917 Bullet Journal Edition 2 — I’m a big fan of Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journal Method. In my BuJo, I talk to myself about the highs and lows of my everyday life, challenge myself to grow and realize my potential, and keep track of my progress and setbacks. Just as with the pocket notebook, I enjoy doing this on paper rather than in an app, and again, Leuchtturm1917 provides the perfect product for the job. This is the official Bullet Journal notebook. It’s not cheap, and you don’t need an expensive stationary item like this to set up your own Bullet Journal. But my BuJo is such an essential tool for me and this notebook is such a pleasure to write in that it’s absolutely worth the price for me.
- Readwise Reader — I’ve been using Readwise (a service that collects all digital highlights and notes from different sources and exports them to several notes apps) since the beginning. When they came out with the Reader app, it instantly became my new read-it-later app. The main reason is that the Reader app can handle PDF files. In addition, the browser extension enables highlighting and annotating any text directly on the website.
- Modern Wisdom Podcast by Chris Williamson — For anybody interested in a wide range of ideas and concepts, tactics for personal growth or challenging conversations, this is one of the best podcasts out there. Chris and his team go not only one, but several extra miles when it comes to their video production for YouTube, but I prefer the audio version. He is a very well-prepared, curious and sometimes vulnerable interviewer, and the conversations with his guests are very enjoyable, thought-provoking and enriching.
Adulting—the (seemingly never-ending) process of becoming an adult—is something I think and write about a lot. This concept connects most topics that interest me: From productivity and self-management to parenthood and developing one’s own identity.
What’s in your NOW?
We want to know what’s in your now — a list of 6 things that are significant to you now — 3 physical, 2 digital and 1 invisible.
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