What's in My Bag

What’s in my NOW? — Luisa de Lachica

issue #182

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Im just a traveller girl enjoying life while on planet earth. — Luisa de Lachica


  • my plants—they bring me grounding, peace and comfort, and they make me feel at home and remind me about the magic of impermanence.
  • my art books—I am a happy art historian that really enjoys flipping through my many art books and catalogues, and even though it’s never the same as seeing the artworks in person, it gives me the pleasure of enjoying some of the amazing places and museums I have been lucky 🍀 to visit.
  • the art hung in my house—there’s something magical about seeing everyday a piece of art that made your heart happy the first time you saw it. This piece is by an amazing artist that worked and lived in Mexico many years; Jan Hendrix. His works is very organic, nature inspired and amazing.



“Leave your front door and your back door open. Let thoughts come and go. Just don’t serve them tea.” — Shunryu Suzuki


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