What's in My Bag

What’s in my NOW? — Mark Rogers

issue #188

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When I was downsized in 2009 at the age of 58, my wife Sofia and I struggled living in LA. Our solution was to move to Mexico. We bought land, built a house, and I became a published novelist for the first time, primarily with the publisher NeoText. Good times abound. Many of my novels can be found at NeoText. — Mark Rogers


  • I discovered the writings of Charles Bukowski—who some call “The Poet of Skid Row”—in the 70s, when I was a young man. At the age of 72 I’m re-reading his work and discovering how much tenderness there is between the lines. His memoir Ham on Rye is a marvel.
  • When my aquarium sprang a leak I needed an alternative fast for my three fish: The Equalizer, James Bond, and Rocky. Luckily we had a five gallon Mexican juice container in the basement, used for agua frescas. So now we have pescado de fresca.
  • Sofia and I use our nutribullet several times a day. It’s an easy to use blender— also easy to clean. We use it to make protein shakes, fruit smoothies, and bollis (Mexican popsicles).


  • I’ve become a huge fan of Korean drama—slow burn series that really take their time telling emotional stories. One of the best is My Mister, which you can find on Netflix.
  • Canva is an an app for creating book covers, videos, flyers, etc. It’s an intuitive app that’s easy to use. There’s a free version, but the paid version is only a few bucks a month, and worth it for access to their music library.


Words I Never Thought I’d Say: “Today I bought a secondhand toilet in Tijuana.”


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