A frequent question we get is why we list Amazon as a source for products we recommend. Why don’t we use some other source? Four reasons:
1. The best reader benefits. In our long experience over many decades of being serious online shoppers ourselves, we have found, Amazon is by far the most reliable source. If they say a thing is in stock, it is, and you’ll get it exactly the day they say you will. In our experience that is not always true with other companies, particularly small ones. They often do not have the tracking abilities of Amazon. Also, very few other online sources have the very consumer-friendly returns policy of Amazon, which makes it a no-brainer to return things that don’t work. And while the reviews of items are often gamed, in general some user reviews are better than no reviews, which many other smaller company sites lack. Finally, because Amazon’s selection is so vast, readers don’t need to sign up and register for yet-another retailer’s website in order to buy something that Amazon has for sale, with a single account, at a much better price. In terms of the economic benefits to our readers, Amazon is the best choice.
2. The best start for alternatives. The alternative to Amazon is a smaller website, with unknown (to us) reliability, and that makes it hard to recommend to others. This is particularly a factor internationally, because a significant portion of our audience is not in the US. Providing an American mom-and-pop source, as romantic as that sounds, is not a favor to someone living outside the US. In a way an Amazon link is a universal SKU that enables someone not living in America to more easily find the product. And it should be said that the best way to find a non-Amazon source for a product is to start with an Amazon link so you can get the specific specifications, such as model name and number, to search for. We provide Amazon links as the best place to start to look for alternative sources, which are often just a link away.
3. Reducing inhumane labor. Not all alternatives to Amazon are small. Many are large companies with large warehouses and complex logistic systems. Our view is that no humans should work in warehouses. This kind of work is repetitive, strenuous, low status, and not as valuable as other work that humans can do. These are jobs for robots, and no one has introduced more robots and automation to warehouses as Amazon. Eliminating warehouse jobs is a good thing. Thank you Amazon. But in the meantime, all online sellers must employ humans for these undesirable jobs, even small-time and local sellers. When stacked against other large logistic companies, such as Walmart, UPS, the Post Office, Amazon has as good or better conditions and benefits. That is the only way they can continue to employ 1.6 million people each year, even though there may be thousands of workers who quit because of jobs they hate. (These are jobs easy to hate; humans should not be doing them.) And smaller companies don’t necessarily treat workers better just because they are smaller. Many small employers, for example, a local bookstore, lack the great health care benefits that Amazon gives employees. We should use Amazon as much as possible in order to encourage them to accelerate warehouse and logistic automation as a service to humankind.
4. Keep it free. Recomendo and Cool Tools are free. We spend a fair amount of time every week producing all our content – 5 newsletters, one YouTube channel, a website, and a podcast – all for free. Anyone, anywhere in the world can consume our creations without paying us anything. That free generosity is made possible, in part, by the tiny affiliate fees we get from products we link to on Amazon. A few other large companies like Walmart offer affiliate fees, but almost no smaller resellers are willing to share their profits with us, in the way Amazon does. For this reason, we use Amazon to help us keep our products free to users.
All together these four good reasons persuade us to continue to use Amazon as the default source when a product we recommend is available there. Of course, no one is obligated to use our Amazon links. If a reader is not persuaded by our reasons it is super easy for them to use an alternative source just a click away.