12ft.io/Life Pie/Productive meetings

Recomendo: issue no. 282
Bypass almost any paywall
If a website allows Google to crawl its articles, it shouldn’t then hide its articles behind a paywall. The website 12ft.io bypasses paywalls by displaying the Google cache of articles. You can either go to the 12ft site and enter the URL of a paywalled article or prepend 12ft.io/ to the URL of any paywalled page — MF
How to do a Life Pie
The Six Spokes Theory, described here as a “strategy for an optimal life” is a great way to draw out a snapshot of your life and see what areas might need more attention. This is also called a Life Pie, which I first read about in The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. You start by drawing a circle and dividing it into 6 slices. Each slice is assigned to an aspect of your life. You then draw a dot on the dividing line to the degree that you feel fulfilled. After connecting the dots, you’ll be able to spot in what areas you are lopsided. I made a short YouTube video outlining my process here. — CD
Productive meetings
This 1-minute video by John Cleese is all you need to know about how to have productive (vs unproductive) meetings. One minute! Applies to zoom meetings, too. — KK
What books redditors are reading
Someone processed billions of comments to find the books most mentioned on reddit, and I am very grateful. Here are the most mentioned books in 2021 — the top one being “The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.” They are also grouped by subreddit which is super helpful. — CD
Roasted sesame seeds are the universal topping
I love these Roasted White Sesame Seeds by Shirakiku. There’s no salt or any other ingredient. Everything tastes better with a generous shake of the container – scrambled eggs, salads, ice cream, blueberries. Sometimes I’ll have a spoonful of the plain seeds as a snack. — MF
Smart grammar assistant
Grammarly is a super grammar helper that is much smarter than the default ones in most applications. I use it all the time. I’ve quickly come to depend on its artificial intelligence to improve my grammar and find more than the obvious typos. It seems context aware. And it runs at the OS level, so it works in most apps such as Slack, email, Discord, Evernote, Twitter, Facebook, etc. (It does not work in Google Docs for me.) Right now the basic model is free. — KK