Purse/Arabian Sands/Photo gifts

Recomendo: issue no. 21
Money Saver:
I have a small amount of money in the form of bitcoin. I discovered Purse, which lets me buy things on Amazon using bitcoin at a 15% discount. So far I’ve purchased two items over $100 each, and it has worked without a hitch. — MF
To get as far away from my bubble in Silicon Valley, I am enjoying reading Arabian Sands by Wilfred Thesiger. Written in 1959 (not that long ago) this classic travelog describes the extremely remote path of Thesiger in the Empty Quarter of Arabia. He goes native with the Bedouin, and after years of traveling with them he can convey their alien mindset. They are not just pre-modern, they are pre-literate, primeval. The book plunges me into a wholly different way of seeing the world, which is why I keep reading. — KK
My favorite use for the Fujifilm Instax printer is for printing out small photo gifts. It’s portable, so you can take it to parties and it only takes a few minutes to wirelessly connect and print out photos straight from your phone. — CD
When texting, at the end of sentence hit the space bar twice and it will easily put a period in the right place. — KK
Better C to F:
Recomendo reader Don wrote to tell us, “Your Centigrade to Fahrenheit conversion [from Recomendo #20] works ‘sorta’ as long as the result of doubling the C number is a two-digit number. I’ve always doubled the C number and subtracted 10%, then added 32. Most folks can figure out 10% and subtract it. Also, this doesn’t result in an approximation, but the correct result.” — MF
I’ve used Canvas on Demand twice now and I am very satisfied with the quality of their premium thick wrap canvases. Sign up for the newsletter and wait for their 50-70% off promos, which happen about once a month. — CD
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