Vitaquick Pressure Cooker

Silent and steam-free pressure cooking
I remember when I was a kid my mom had a pressure cooker with a little piece of metal on top that would hiss and wiggle and make big spurts of steam. I do not miss all the theatrics with this modern pressure cooker. This Vitaquick Pressure Cooker is easy to use, easy to clean, and doesn’t feel like it’s going to blow my head off.
We bought the 6 liter model and decided it was too small for our use, so we bought the 8 liter model. We use it to make soup stocks and gravies, and rendering chicken, pork and other meats and vegetables to a hearty broth. Most of this goes into the freezer to be used later on other cooking recipes or just a nice bowl of hot bone broth on a cold San Francisco summer night.
03/23/17Fissler FSSFIS5859 Vitaquick Pressure Cooker with Perforated Inset, 8.0 L, Stainless Steel ($269)