
Goodwill Online Auctions

Thrift store eBay

Thrift store hunting isn’t just a pastime. It can be an honest living. Finding and flipping used goods for profit has been the main source of income for one of my friends for more than a decade. Though picking through racks of clothing, bins of electronics and boxes of watches — or trolling eBay and Craigslist — can be fruitful, another weekend-thrifter friend also swears by Goodwill’s online auction site, which features 18,000 items daily that have been handpicked by several stores nationwide. You’re getting access to the cream of the crop, but not every storeworker knows the value of what they have or how to describe it — and every bidder doesn’t necessarily know either (the market for vintage Levi’s has become so lucrative that people try to pass off faux-jeans to less-discerning eBayers).

Whether you’re looking to join the flip economy or you enjoy stumbling on old, rare, cheap stuff, Goodwill’s site is a great resource. Here’s a bit of what I found recently (followed by current bids): Kodak Colorburst 50 Polaroid ($4.99), Ronco Rhinestone & Stud Setter ($5), Harley-Davidson Men’s Boots – size 11 ($11), Nintendo 64 System ($15), Hohner Student IV Accordion w/Case ($9.59), and a Minolta Hi-Matic F 35mm ($8).

Warning: Shipping can be expensive. Also, items are purchased ‘as is’ and cannot be returned.

-- Steven Leckart 09/23/08

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