
Workshop Magic: Levitating Screwdriver

How to Make a Screwdriver Float


Pneumatic Blow Gun
Klein Round Shank Screwdriver
Engineer SS-02 Solder Sucker

Also mentioned:
Applied Science YouTube Channel

Guest: Ian Charnas
@IanCharnas on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

I love shop tricks I love seeing people cold bending polycarbonate, drilling square holes, or doing other kinds of cool shop tricks. But this one beats every other shop trick, hands down. I would even go so far as to not call this a shop trick, but it’s a “shop illusion”. Today we’re going to be making a screwdriver levitate.

I like to use this trick when it’s getting late and you and your project team are trying to decide who’s going to go pick up the pizza, or the Chinese food or whatever it is that you’re eating. Someone has to go and make that run. This is a fun game that you can play to see who can hold this in the air, the longest. And either the winner gets to go take a break and take a nice drive or bike ride or the loser gets to go take a break and take a nice drive or bike ride to go get the food. So it’s a it’s a fun way of settling shop disputes.


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