
Loctite PL Fast Grab Premium Polyurethane Construction Adhesive


3x as strong as ordinary construction adhesive

Loctite PL Fast Grab Premium is twice the cost of Liquid Nails, but you will use half as much for some jobs. For other jobs, Liquid Nails is just not strong enough. PL Fast Grab Premium has up to twice the shear strength as Liquid Nails, depending on what you adhere it to.

I come from a family of masons, and we use this stuff everywhere. It is so strong when gluing most items, if it were to fail, the stone or tile has a hole in it with the glue still intact with stone around it. I have tiled many house floors, done face-cut real brick backsplashes, patios, and an entire house exterior. We also run a home and garden decor business where all the items are marble, granite, or sandstone glued with this product.

Once you become well versed with the levels of Loctite PL, you can ascertain whether your project needs the Premium strength and associated cost.

-- Ty Spieles 04/20/21

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