Recomendo bookshelf/Cordless Tire Inflator

Recomendo - issue #415

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Compare home furnishing prices

I recently discovered, a website that reveals the practice of “white-labeling” in the furniture and home decor industry. White-labeling is when the same generic product is sold by multiple retailers under different brand names and prices. tracks items from over 100 stores, making it easy to compare prices for identical products across retailers like West Elm, Pottery Barn, and Crate & Barrel. The price differences can be substantial, so if you’re furnishing a home, it’s worth checking out to ensure you’re getting the best deal. — MF

Shareable Bookshelf

I used to create an interactive bookshelf for free. The easiest way to do this is by exporting and importing your Goodreads list. I then used markup to add links and a favorite quote from each book. I added my personalized bookshelf link to my social media bios, and I would love to see your digital bookshelves if you create one. My bookshelf is comprised solely of my favorite books on Spirit, New Age, Psychedelics, Jungian Psychology, and Mindfulness. — CD

Most convenient tire pump

I’ve tried many ways to keep our car tires inflated, but since we don’t go to gas stations anymore (because EVs), the most convenient way I’ve found to inflate tires (autos and bikes) is with a cheap compact cordless pump that is powered by a cordless tool battery. Since I always have at least one cordless tool battery charged, I can grab this small hand-held, walk to the tire and pump it up instantly. I’m on the Dewalt battery system so I got this no-brand Foduuo Cordless Tire Inflator for $30, that works fine.
— KK

“No Comment” video news

During a trip to Europe 30 years ago, I discovered Euronews and became a fan of its “No Comment” video segments. These segments feature short clips of raw, unedited video footage capturing events from around the world without any narration. The lack of commentary make them more impactful. Recent samples:  “El Salvador transfers 2,000 inmates to mega prison” and “Search for survivors continues after deadly Papua New Guinea landslide.” You can watch more here. — MF

Mathematical objects

Henry Segerman is a mathematician who likes to make clever, remarkable mathematical shapes and 3D print them out into real things. He then makes a youtube explaining their origins. Each beautiful object becomes a mathematical lesson. He favors odd gears, weird knots, unusual shapes. You can watch Segerman videos for very nerdy satisfaction, but to fully close the loop, you can also purchase one of his exquisite objects shown in the videos. I have a few on my shelf. They are both conversation pieces and mathematical proofs, and great gifts for the nerds in your life. — KK.

Underdesk drawers

I have an update to my previous recommendation of self-adhesive hidden desk drawers. Recently, I switched out my Ikea motorized standing desk for a smaller one on caster wheels—which I am very happy with—but, like my previous desk, it does not have any built-in storage. Luckily, I found these under-desk organizers that are larger but just as easy to mount with self-adhesive tape. — CD 


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