
A Leatherman You Can Open Single-Handed

Magnetic Latch Leatherman

Leatherman Free P4

Guest: Matt Stultz, Head of Community, Prusa Research

So I’ve had Leathermans for many, many years. The Wave, the Wingman, the Sidekick, but recently I picked up my favorite of them and so far, the Leatherman Free P4. The great thing about this is it’s the first Leatherman that has entirely one-handed tool opening for all the tools. So, quick out and I’ve got my pliers. So if I’m working on something I don’t have to worry about letting go of it and opening up my my pliers. I can also pretty easily one-hand close. All of the tools are accessible like that too. So if I need a screwdriver, I can get to my screwdrivers, all with one hand.

-- Matt Stultz 07/30/20

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