
Book Freak #12: Letting go of anger and resentment


Claudia Dawson offers three excerpts from books she’s read on letting go of anger and resentment

Book Freak is one of four newsletters from Cool Tools Lab (our other three are the Cool Tools Newsletter, Recomendo, and What’s in my bag?).

In this issue of Book Freak, my Cool Tools colleague Claudia Dawson offers three excerpts from books she’s read on letting go of anger and resentment.

Deactivate your emotional buttons

“When we give others the power to push our emotional buttons, we become their slaves, often without realizing it.”

— HeatherAsh Amara, Warrior Goddess Training

Remembered that life is impermanent
“If we really understood and remembered that life was impermanent, we would do everything we could to make the other person happy right here and right now. If we spend twenty-four hours being angry at our beloved, it is because we are ignorant of impermanence.”

— Thich Nhat Hanh, Taming the Tiger Within

You must have clarity to create
“Anger and depression and sorrow are beautiful things in a story, but they’re like poison to the filmmaker or artist. They’re like a vise grip on creativity. If you’re in that grip, you can hardly get out of bed, much less experience the flow of creativity and ideas. You must have clarity to create. You have to be able to catch ideas.”

— David Lynch, Catching the Big Fish

-- Claudia Dawson 07/8/19

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